Engineering solutions empowering growth
Senior Fullstack .NET @ Wolftech Broadcast Solutions
- Implemented streaming client for feed updates from X (Twitter)
- Refactored existing product to Domain Driven Design concept
- Updated IdentityServer to Duende
- Added internal integrations to fully support existing product lineup
- Dockerized and deployed on AWS all existing products
Used technologies: AWS, .NET, MSSQL, Angular, Clean , DDD, IdentityServer, microservices
Senior Fullstack .NET @ Solid Company
- Implemented additional components to application for better ATS experience (.NET, Angular)
- Redesigned frontend application for same-day delivery application (project Deliver in person [AU])
- Implemented better state management for parcel operations for same-day dalivery (NodeJS, firebase)
- Upgraded both IdentityServer and it’s custom admin application to v6 (project CloudCall, AWS, terraform)
- Implemented entire system for handling gate access management on site (React, Python, mongodb)
- Designed modern solutions for better book management for schools in AU (React)
Used technologies: Angular, AWS, GitLab, MySQL, MSSQL, .NET, Terraform, IdentityServer, microservices, React, Python, mongodb
Full Stack .NET DevOps @ Wolters Kluwer Polska
- Migrated existing Windows applications into docker on Linux.
- Automated installation of new TeamCity agents by implementing Ansible script for WinRM.
- Automated docker deployment for custom environment.
- Utilized RabbitMQ to offload main processing threads to microservices
Used technologies: .NET, Angular, Rabbitmq, ansible, microservices, WinRM, TeamCity management
Full Stack .NET DevOps @
- Rewritten prescription module and implemented integration with CSIOZ's e-Recepta (HL7 standard).
- Successfully deployed integration allowing digitally signing ZUS-PUE documents.
- Maintained custom documentation transformation tools. Refactored existing dynamic forms into SPA.
- Created SPA+REST app for online product orders.
- Automated tenant management by implementing and integrating Kubernetes on Azure.
Used technologies: ASP.NET, jQuery, Typescript, MSSQL, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes
Front End Developer @
- Implemented new forms and form controls for wide-area health system
- Redesigned entire system layout to a modern equivalent
Used technologies: ASP.NET, jQuery, Typescript, MSSQL